Stornoway's Application

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Stornoway's Application

Post by Stornoway »

Character Name:
Character Class and Spec:
Holy Paladin.
Offspec and relative proficiency:
Prot. No experience tanking this expansion. Could probably tank an alt run if someone competent held my hand or I was given sufficient warning to learn when to taunt/CD.
Your timezone:
What rank are you applying for?
Core. No interest in casual positions. Mythic? Mythic.
Are you applying for one of our advertised vacancies? (Which one?)
Yup. Holy Paladin at your service.
Have you discussed your application with anyone in game? Do you already know someone in the guild?
Somewhat. I just asked what time you raid and it suits me. I don't know anyone in the guild that I am aware of. Khaz'remar is a relatively small server though, so you never know.
If applying for a Core rank, can you make our raid nights with 80% attendance?
Sure thing. Working the dolly parton really keeps your nose clean. Plus, I have a complicated relationship with activities which require me to not be at my computer. I do have a trip planned over Christmas/New Year this year. Will keep you in the loop with that.
Do you have Mumble (voice communication software)? (If not, there's a link on the front page of our website)
Sure do. And Vent. And Teamspeak. And Skype. Because pugs... *shudders*
Are you able to, and comfortable with talking over mumble?
In a thick Scottish accent you will love or hate. Getting me to shut up is the trick.
Tell us a little about your previous raiding experience.
Raided relatively seriously since Kara/ZA, on and off. I do have a relatively short attention span, so when progression starts to lull or content gets stale (*cough*DS/SoO/ToC) I do tend to lose interest for a while. Usually end up back again when there's something new on.
Why did you leave your previous guild?
Haven't yet. I pissed off an officer, which can be awkward. More on that if/when you want it.
Why do you want to join <Fidelity>?
Progression is decent, with a view to progressing further. I like that. Probably going to be rehoming anyway, might as well see if I fit in here.
What can you offer <Fidelity>?
Reliable raider with decent experience. I'm pretty awesome at what I do. I'm not sexually attracted to fire, I enjoy progression, don't generally get pissed off while wiping on progression content... And I'm a female dwarf... What's not to love?
What do you think <Fidelity> can offer you?
With any luck, a stable place to raid for more than a couple weeks. I've hopped around guilds a bit this expansion, it's getting a bit old. Between some disbanding, to me not liking others, would be good if this is the one that sticks. You guys seem aiite, pending further investigation.

I don't want to jump too deep into a Mythic guild, but I feel like I can handle Blackhand progression. You guys are just about where I feel like I am at with this expansion, so I shouldn't take too long to learn the fights I'm not experienced on, won't hold you guys back, and can grow and move forward with the guild. See how we go, eh??
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Re: Stornoway's Application

Post by Estadoug »

Thank you for your application Stornoway,

We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.
"Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. Even if you win, they'll knock the pieces over, shit on the board and strut around like they're victorious"
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Re: Stornoway's Application

Post by xeii »

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Re: Stornoway's Application

Post by xeii »

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