Realpesky - Warlock

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Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:28 pm

Realpesky - Warlock

Post by realpesky »

Character Name:

Character Class and Spec:
Warlock - Destruction

Offspec and relative proficiency:
Affliction. This was my main spec before so very proficient but I may be switching it to demonology to provide burst aoe dps. Demonology was one of my most played specs during Cataclysm.

Your timezone:

What rank are you applying for?
Core DPS

Are you applying for one of our advertised vacancies? (Which one?)

Have you discussed your application with anyone in game? Do you already know someone in the guild?
Had some initial discussions with Borgthor before I dropped in here. Did join a couple of your runs as a pug before.

If applying for a Core rank, can you make our raid nights with 85% attendance?

Do you have Mumble (voice communication software)? (If not, there's a link on the front page of our website)

Are you able to, and comfortable with talking over mumble?

Tell us a little about your previous raiding experience.
Been playing since beta. Have been raiding at every expansion but with varying degrees of success.

Why did you leave your previous guild?
I am the current raid leader of the only 10 man raid team in British Empire (we used to have 3 teams before a whole bunch of people left for other guilds). A role which can get tiring at times especially with the managing of the different levels of expectations. I now just want to be able to do my part and not have to worry about everyone else's. In other words, I would like to take a break from raid leading. Also progression with my current raid team has halted due to real life issues with some of the members which do not look like they will be resolved anytime soon.

Why do you want to join <Fidelity>?
I have raided a couple of times with your team and I can tell that everyone gives their best during raid nights. I feel that I can fit in within your raid team as I have the same mindset.

What can you offer <Fidelity>?
Competent DPS. Knowledge of every fight's mechanics. I'm also a really good problem solver. If all else fails, there's always lock rocks. :)

What do you think <Fidelity> can offer you?
A stable raid environment. Judging by your progress and occasional recruitment drives (which aren't many), I can guess that you are a pretty stable guild. I really don't like guild hopping as a habit.
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Re: Realpesky - Warlock

Post by Borgthor »

Thanks for the app! Was great to have you raid with us on Thursday as well. :)
Posts: 14310
Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:14 am

Re: Realpesky - Warlock

Post by xeii »

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