Estadoug - Enhancement Shaman

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Estadoug - Enhancement Shaman

Post by Estadoug »

Well, I had an application ready to go, but then Dam posted her app and raised the bar. So I’ve had to go back and start again.

Character Name:

Character Class and Spec:
Draeni Enhancement Shaman

Offspec and relative proficiency:
Resoration. The gear is good but the ability is poor (but keen to learn, however not in a raid setting)

Your timezone:
AEDST for another day or so, then AEST

What rank are you applying for?
Core Raiding Rank

Are you applying for one of our advertised vacancies? (Which one?)
Yep. I’d like to be “the” Enhancement Shaman

Have you discussed your application with anyone in game? Do you already know someone in the guild?
Yes, and no.
Dambrath is my wife, and she and Borg have had some discussion about joining. Dam and I have raided with you once together, and Dam a few more times without me. I think we did okay, although I know I can do better.

If applying for a Core rank, can you make our raid nights with 85% attendance?
As a rule, yes. In the interest of being up front, I’ll be in Brisbane from the afternoon of Wednesday 6th April to Sunday 10th April. I should be back in time for Sunday raid. This is not a normal occurrence (maybe once every 6 months tops)

It should also be noted that while I make my own hours at work, sometimes it is unavoidable that I be there early (from 6am) or late (as late as 11pm). This is also a rare occurrence, and rarely impacts upon raiding.

As Dam mentioned, we have a weeks holiday over Easter booked.

Do you have vent?
Yes. And mumble. And Teamspeak. And a vent server.

Are you able to, and comfortable with talking over vent?
In my previous guild I shared raid leading duties with 2-3 others, so talking over vent is not an issue.

Tell us a little about your previous raiding experience.
I’m going to steal Dam’s post here, because I’m at work and I don’t want to spend all day typing away at my app. Nor do I think my tech director would like me to.

TLDR version :
Vanilla - MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20/40, 1 boss in Naxx
TBC - Kara, Mags, Gruuls, SSC, MH, BT, 1 boss in SWP
Wrath - TotC, ICC including most hardmodes
Cata - Everything Ive done with you guys so far.

I've been playing since about 5 months after Vanilla came out. My first raiding toon was a holy priest. This was back in the day where a healing class always healed. Are you a priest? Cool. You can heal.
Our guild had a lot of healers (we were lucky) and I got a tilt at raiding shadow. I loved it.

“Then when Blizz opened a new oceanic server, my husband and I rolled Alliance on Aman'thul. We made a Warlock and Hunter team named Siegfried and Rôy (magician and animal trainers geddit?), and my pet white lion was named Montecore after the lion that mauled the real Roys face off. On my hunter I raided with her as my main through the rest of Vanilla (MC BWL ZG AQ 20/40 but only 1 boss in Naxx). We transferred to Dath'Remar about 1/2 way through this period due to a player on Aman'Thul who had gone all stalky over me because I was made hunter class leader over him. Threats, lies, stalking etc. Not a nice guy so we left and came here!”

I rolled a warlock so I could be a shadow priest in raids! I transferred at the same time as Dam did.

“She continued to be my main through out TBC and I raided through all content up until 1/2 way through SSC with the same guild that I started Kara with. I Joined <Insurrection> and we blitzed through MH, and BT getting a few server 1sts and seconds on boss kills. When SWP came out we started working on that but I only ever got to see Brutalis…”
I had stopped raiding at around Illidan. I was finishing up Uni and had just landed a job as an analytical chemist. The hours were all over the place, and it took an hour each way to work (Greensborough to Hoppers Crossing, Melbourne). I couldn’t maintain my commitment to <Insurrection>, so I stepped down. Dam continued on her hunter for a lot of server firsts, and I got to see a lot of end-game content in the weeks after as and when I could be online.

Work was still taking a priority for me throughout the start of WotLK, and getting married was another stress on top of that.

“During this downtime we leveled our Paladin/Shaman combo as a hobby and I soon rediscovered my love of tanking. A month or 2 before ICC was released we decided that we would like to start raiding again but on our newly levelled characters. I think I managed to get in 1 full clear of TotC as pugs before ICC was launched. We started looking for a raiding guild at this time and we ended up being part of <right click to attack>. With them we progressed through ICC 25 up until BQL and then we decided to split into 10 mans. In 10 mans we downed the Lich King and started on a few heroic modes.”
Dam forgets that we killed Sindy once. (assuming that Sindy> BQL > PP). I really enjoyed melee DPS role, and Enhancement shaman rock to play. Back then they weren’t topping DPS, but I still made a strong showing on less movement intensive fights.

“Cata was released and we levelled hard and fast as the new raid content seemed exciting and fresh. I was the first to hit 85 in <RCTA> and had plenty of time to grind my rep and best gear before there were enough of us to start 10 mans. With <RCtA> we worked through Magmaw, Omnitron, Halfus and Valiona + Theralion, and that leaves me up to where we are at present time.”

Why did you leave your previous guild?
<Right Click to Attack> is a casual guild that raids. This was a good place to be in WotLK, as in general they could average a clear in 25 man content. Come Cata, the difficulty curve increased and instead of pushing people to improve, RCtA elected to remain inclusive.
I was recruited in WotLK to clear content. I was made an officer to assist with clearing content. Changing to guild’s priority meant that RCtA was no longer a match for me.

It should be noted that we still get together for drinks with officers and members of RCtA. We are still on good terms and I would be inclined to keep an alt in RCtA to stay in contact with the friends I have made there

Why do you want to join <Fidelity>?
<Fidelity> offers the raiding experience that I always wanted; a concentrated group of committed individuals who get the job done. Accountability, dependability and loyalty are critical to a guild’s success, and I look forward to being in that kind of environment.

What can you offer <Fidelity>?
Commitment. Loyalty. Friendship. Not sucking (I hope).
I am an analytical person by nature. I enjoy dissecting my performance (and others iff I’m invited to) to see where I can improve. I don’t like screwing up, and I’d be surprised if anyone could be harder on me than I am on myself. Being a previous Raid Leader means I know the ins and outs of fights that I have studied, including roles that I don’t fill.
If I was asked to, I could potentially help with raid leading again. I however know the importance of only having one leader, and have no intention of forcing my way into a position that I am not wanted in. Taking a step back to a raider position would be perfectly suitable to me.

What do you think <Fidelity> can offer you?
I think <Fidelity> can offer me a small, focused guild that can benefit me in facilitating progress through content, and potentially some new friends. I enjoyed running with <Fidelity> last night (despite thinking that I was the reason that Cho’gall didn’t die. Little did I know that you were working on your first kill on him).

Summing up:
I am really keen on proving to <Fidelity> that I am not only competent, but an asset to the guild both in the raid setting through my performance, and out of the raid through being polite, social and fun while getting the job done.
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Re: Estadoug - Enhancement Shaman

Post by Borgthor »

Hey Estadoug, thanks for the Application. Glad you didn't let Dambrath outdo you on the wall of text front.
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Re: Estadoug - Enhancement Shaman

Post by Dambrath »

ha! he is as bad as I am when it comes to Walls of Text. You should have seen his original application to <Insurrection>! I think before he copied it to their forums it was 8 pages long in Microsoft Word. Screenshots, tables, rotations etc. You have been let off lightly here :P
Just because I'm OP, doesn't mean Noondez is.
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Re: Estadoug - Enhancement Shaman

Post by xeii »

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