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Alrius - Shadow Priest

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:11 pm
by Alrius
Character Name: Alrius

Character Class and Spec: Shadow Priest

Offspec and relative proficiency: Discipline, moderate proficiency

Your timezone: Brisbane, QLD

What rank are you applying for? Locum

Are you applying for one of our advertised vacancies? (Which one?) N/A

Have you discussed your application with anyone in game? Do you already know someone in the guild? I have discussed my interest with Borgthor

If applying for a Core rank, can you make our raid nights with 85% attendance?

Do you have Mumble (voice communication software)? (If not, there's a link on the front page of our website) Yes, I do.

Are you able to, and comfortable with talking over mumble? Yes

Tell us a little about your previous raiding experience.
I have been raiding since mid ICC. All current levels of progress are as they were at the end of each respective tier:

Tier 14: 16/16 N 3/16(H)

Tier 13: 7/8 N

Tier 12: 4/7

Tier 11: 12/12 N

ICC: 12/12 N 3/12(H)

Why did you leave your previous guild? Basically i wasn't happy with how things were being operated, and I feel like I need a fresh start with a new guild.

Why do you want to join <Fidelity>? The guild environment seems like one which I would very much enjoy, and I would love to be a part of it and help anyway i can.

What can you offer <Fidelity>? I can offer a positive attitude towards raiding, and the game in general. I will also do whatever i can to help the guild out in terms of farming materials, doing guild dungeons and scenarios etc, as well as hopefully being a valuable addition to the list of locums in the guild.

What do you think <Fidelity> can offer you? A group of skilled, talented, and friendly players who i can enjoy playing with! :)

Re: Alrius - Shadow Priest

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:41 am
by Borgthor
Thanks for the application Alrius. I've invited you to our run tonight / tomorrow, so we'll catch up soon!